Mengua wax anglais ak wolof

Descriptif du poste

Majorel dafay jël ay nit ngir liggéey

Ndax mën nga ligguéey çi Modération de contenu (dunggeen yebal te dungeen jot ay woote)

Buleen jaaxle, ligéey mbooleem mooy sunu doole, sunuy jàngalékat yi, dinañu leen jàngal te dimbali leen.

Profil Recherché

-Ndax bëgg nga diwaxtaan ak ay kliibam?

- Ndax mën gua liggéey ci anam gu làkku Anglais ?

- Dangeen di wutt liggéey bu baax ?

-Bul yàq, am nga sa wàll ci sunu biir.

- Amulo benn xam-xam ? Du dara. Mën nga wéeru ci nun saa su nekk.

Nu ngi bëggoon nangu sa candidature ngir woo la. Kon yonni ko

Avantages sociaux et autres

- Contrat CDD ak ay waxtu yu neex

- Salaires attractifs avec une prime variable.

Numerous insurance agreements (health insurance, preferential prices on car and travel insurance) and one to the social works committee (excursions, summer camps, various agreements for discounts and vouchers for wellness centers, bookstores, etc.).

- Attractive remuneration and access to CIMR after one year's seniority.

- Stimulating atmosphere and work environment (team building, entertainment and challenges...).

Amplitude horaire

To be specified on site

Salaire Net + primes

To be specified on site