Organizational change management (ocm) manager

Poste proposé : Organizational Change Management (OCM) Manager

For a customer based in Nigeria we are looking for an experienced  OCM (Organizational Change Management)   Manager.


  • Assessment and Planning:  This involves assessing the current state of the organization, understanding the need for change, defining the desired future state, and creating a detailed plan for how to get there
  • Stakeholder Engagement:  Identifying and engaging with all stakeholders, including employees, leadership, and external partners, to ensure they understand and support the change
  • Communication:  Developing a clear and consistent communication plan to keep all stakeholders informed about the reasons for the change, the expected impacts, and the timeline for implementation
  • Training and Development:  Providing the necessary training and resources to equip employees with the skills and knowledge needed to adapt to the changes effectively
  • Change Leadership:  Ensuring that leaders within the organization are visible champions of the change and are actively involved in promoting and supporting it
  • Resistance Management:  Identifying and addressing resistance to change, which can be a natural reaction to uncertainty and disruption
  • Monitoring and Feedback:  Continuously monitoring the progress of the change initiative and collecting feedback from employees to make adjustments as necessary
  • Sustainment:  Ensuring that the changes are integrated into the organization's culture and processes, so they become the new norm
  • Evaluation:  Assessing the success of the change initiative by measuring whether it achieved its intended goals and objectives.
Profil recherché pour le poste : Organizational Change Management (OCM) Manager


  • Graduate of an engineering or Business school (Bac+5)
  • Knowledge of Change management methodologies and frameworks, such as the ADKAR model (Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement) or Kotter's 8-Step Change Model
  • Fluent in English.
Critères de l'annonce pour le poste : Organizational Change Management (OCM) Manager Métier : Informatique, nouvelles technologies Secteur d´activité : Informatique, SSII, Internet Ingénierie, études développement Type de contrat : Freelance Région : International Ville : Nigeria Niveau d'expérience : Expérience entre 5 ans et 10 ans Niveau d'études : Bac+5 et plus Langues exigées : anglais › courant Nombre de poste(s) : 1 Soyez vigilant ! N'envoyez pas d'argent à un employeur potentiel. Ne versez aucune somme d'argent en échange d'un contrat de travail potentiel ou pour suivre une formation préalable à l'embauche.
Merci de signaler toute irrégularité en utilisant le formulaire de contact candidat et en sélectionnant l'objet "Signaler une annonce d'emploi".